Strategic planning is one of the most misunderstood processes in business today. Most people will define the term “strategy” as having a plan to achieve some set of goals. But that concept can be applied to so many different business processes that it is almost impossible to understand what being “strategic” really means.

At Strategy Generation Company, we define the term “strategic planning” across four core business planning processes:

We offer a separate planning workshop for each of these critical topics. All our STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOPS are designed to be attended by pre-arranged project teams working on their own products and portfolios. This approach ensures that each team acquires relevant knowledge, insights, and actions that can be implemented as a direct result of our workshops.

For more information about any of our STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOPS, please choose from the options below:


Business Case


Life Cycle

We also offer a series of STRATEGIC SKILL DEVELOPMENT workshops that are designed to support our strategic planning workshops. Please click the button below to learn more about any of these supporting programs.

“Our workshops are built on the idea that the process of strategic planning should be simple, intuitive, and fun!”

SGC Training Programs

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Strategy Generation Framework

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Invest In Your Future

Don’t allow planning to become an afterthought in your company. Let us help you customize a strategic training program for your team today!