Custom Workshops

Although we have a full catalog of standard workshops that can be readily delivered and applied into your business, we realize that many companies already have a set of established tools and processes that are currently incorporated into their day-to-day operating procedures.

In these situations, we are able to develop a series of CUSTOM WORKSHOPS that marry our standard materials with any tools, frameworks, or processes that have already been developed by our clients. In some cases, we can even design workshops entirely around our clients’ existing standard work, provided they have all the necessary ownership rights for us to provide this service.

Examples of some of the CUSTOM WORKSHOPS that we have developed and delivered for our clients include:

  • Coached Product Strategy Workshops
  • Product Management Workshops
  • Business Case Workshops
  • Life Cycle Management Workshops
  • Customer Insights Workshops
  • Value-Based Pricing Workshops
  • Value-Based Selling Workshops
  • Business Storytelling Workshops
  • Business Leadership Workshops

We are also capable of building supplemental workbooks, micro-learning videos, and other supporting tools and materials that are fully customized to our clients’ specific needs and processes.

Strategic Coaching

For more information on our CUSTOM WORKSHOPS, please contact us using the link below!

“A cookie-cutter approach to training will likely yield cookie-cutter results in the marketplace.”

Our standard training programs serve as a foundation for most of our CUSTOM WORKSHOPS. You can learn more by downloading our Training Programs brochure using the link below.

SGC Training Programs

Invest In Your Future

Don’t allow planning to become an afterthought in your company. Let us help you customize a strategic training program for your team today!